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10 Things to Borrow From the Delaware Libraries, Other Than Books

Learn a New Skill, Fight Bordedom, and More!

July 29, 2024

Did you know the library's catalog goes way beyond books? Between the Library of Things and a robust digital catalog - they offer hours of content! 

The Library of Things is a collection of fun games, equipment, and tools available to borrow at Delaware Libraries. It is the same process as checking out a book with your library card, and the items need to be returned to the library where they were checked out (inside, at the circulation desk). 

We could spend years listing out the reasons why we love the library. Instead, we figured it would be faster to highlight some of their lesser-known resources:



  • Never get bored thanks to their collection of 1,200+ jigsaw puzzles or beloved board games. With 250+ games, your family will find their new favorite!
  • Budding scientists and engineers can build their fun with LEGO kits, NASA backpacks, robots, coding, or STEAM kits.
  • The Toniebox is a soft, screen-free speaker for children. Using magnetic figurines called Tonies, toddlers, and young children can navigate storytelling and music independently. Each library has three Tonieboxes to borrow!
  • Calm your senses with sensory balls, tactile kits, weighted blankets, and more. 


  • Take up a new hobby by borrowing a sewing machine, an induction cooktop or musical instrument.
  • Up your professional game with a portable Wi-Fi hotspot, DVD player, tripod, microphone & more.
  • From cookie cutters to looms, embroidery to stamps, craft fun with art supplies. Need more guidance? Cardholders have access to CreativeBug, a library containing thousands of art classes. 


  • From a heavy-duty electric stapler/nail gun to a pressure washertackle DIY projects in and around the house without another tool collecting dust in the garage. 
  • Grab a pair of binoculars or telescope and look up. 
  • Give Mother Nature a Makeover with a Keep Delaware Beautiful Litter Cleanup Kit. The kit contains 2 safety vests, 2 foldable litter grabbers, and an instruction sheet.
  • Transform your backyard into the ultimate hang with oversized tumbling towers, croquet, ring toss, bocce, ladder ball, and other outdoor games. Available at the Wilmington Public Library.


The Museum Pass Program is available to adult Delaware Library cardholders (18 years+). All pass reservations are processed through the MuseumKey link which can be found on the library’s website under the services tab. It's your FREE entry to art, culture, entertainment & so much more! Get a Museum Pass today!

The library, of course, also has plenty more to discover, from books to DVDs to library events. You can always find library events on our Macaroni KID Wilmington-New Castle calendar! What interesting thing can you find to take home?
