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Summer Library Reading Program - Delaware Libraries

Adventure begins at your Library 2024! It’s Delaware Libraries 45th year!

By Delaware Library May 25, 2024

Where else can you travel around the world, meet an endangered species, and build like an architect all in one place? YOUR LIBRARY!

Activities include: Traveling to stations to fill passport books with stickers after completing each activity; explore the globe finding places visited, like to visit and locate landmarks; explore a suitcase packed with items to identify and see how they work; use a map with mini car following the roads and highways; create a structure and so much more to explore for young adventurers!

Contact your Delaware Public Library for more information on this Summer Library Reading Program in partnership with (DASEF) Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation!


Summer Library Reading Program - Adventure Begins at Your Library: Home

Sign-ups start June 1st!

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