It feels like we have reached the age where you blink and miss about 45 updates and news stories. So, I am starting a weekly column to help you stay in the loop. This will be an ongoing series - so let me know what you'd like to see here!
P.S. Go Birds!
Congratulations, you did it.
You made it through January, which had 900 days in it. Bring on the sunshine and summer vibes! It is hard to believe but summer camp registrations are open and filling up fast. We are putting the finishing touches on our camp guide.
We aren't the only ones with summer on the brain - it's time to think about summer camps! Don't worry, we won't make you feel like you're up the creek without a paddle.
There are two camp fairs this week:
Tower Hill Camp Fair - Wilmington - Today from 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Delaware Museum of Nature & Science: Summer Camp Fair
Plus, our camp guide is coming out this weekend!
Fresh Content For Your Family!
Game Day Just Got Better: Free Scavenger Hunt Printable for Families
Delaware Launches Educational Esports Program
Your Family-Friendly Guide to Delaware Birding
How to Choose a Summer Camp - PLUS a Free Planning Printable
DNREC Launches New Photo Contest Showcasing Delaware
Sponsored Rescheduled for Feb 2: Think Warm Thoughts At DelMNS' Summer Camp Fair
Friday, January 31 |
Celebrate Black History Month with an Author Read Along, Online Event
11:30 AM
Baby Storytime, New Castle Public Library
6 PM
Delaware Teen Science Cafe: Muscle Mechanics
Saturday, February 1 |
🐝Bee-lieve in Your Future, Online Event
National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Sweet Lucy's
9 AM
🖌️ Home Depot In-Store Kids Workshops
Block Kids Competition - Newark, Hodgson Vo-Tech High School
10 AM
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Woodside Farm Creamery
11 AM
Black History Celebration - Walnut Street Y - Wilmington
🖌️ Painting Dutch Holiday Tiles: Families, Rockwood Park & Museum
12:30 PM
Kids & Family Yoga, Rockwood Park & Museum
1 PM
PAWS for People: READ to a Dog!, Delaware City Public Library
5:30 PM
Star Party with the Delaware Astronomical Society: A Night of Planets, DelMNS
Sunday, February 2 |
7 AM
Conquer Your Fears with Actor Max Greenfield, Online Event
10 AM
Summer Camp Fair, Delaware Museum of Nature and Science
P.S. How Are We Prepping for the Superbowl?