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School Closing Daily Schedule: Get a FREE Printable!

Schools might be closed, but we still need to keep kids on a schedule for learning

By Barbara Evangelista, publisher of Macaroni Kid Lowell, Mass. January 20, 2024

Welcome to our new reality -- most likely the kids are home from school in your town for at least the next two weeks.  

We're still waiting to hear how the schools plan to handle the closures, but I'm expecting that the school system in my Massachusetts town will make full use of online resources to share homework assignments and stream video lessons.  

My three kids would rather spend the whole day watching YouTube videos and movies on their school-supplied Chromebooks. 

That's not happening on my watch. I know I'll need a daily schedule to keep them focused and productive during this time off school.

The schedule I came up with should work for most school-aged kids. Little ones might need some adjustments -- less school time, more playtime! 

Download and print our FREE PDF to get your own copy of our School Closing Daily Schedule, or create your own based on ours!

I hope this helps navigate the next few weeks of having kids unexpectedly home!

Barbara Evangelista is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Lowell, Mass.and Macaroni Kid Acton-Concord-Bedford-Lexington, Mass.