
Quick and Easy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Use your air-fryer for the perfect roasted pumpkin seeds in just minutes!

By Kate Yoder October 5, 2022

October is Pumpkin month at our house, and that means it's time for all.things.pumpkin! Piles of Amish grown pumpkins scattered around in and out, pumpkin bourbon scented candles, fall and pumpkin decor have appeared on shelves and at least one jack-o-lantern is grinning on the front stoop of our house.

Yep, pumpkins everywhere. That also means that each year we have an abundance of pumpkin seeds ready for roasting, and with our handy air-fryer, you can bet those slimy pumpkin seeds have met their match!

If you are anything like me, you'll happily admit that there is a time and a place for all things pumpkin... and this is the time! I'm excited to share with you this simple recipe that will get you into the Pumpkin spice and everything nice spirit. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!

What You'll Need:

  • At least 1 full sized pumpkin
  • Carving supplies  (we use a drill, knives, ice cream scoop and a colander)
  • Clean hand towel or papertowels
  • Bowl
  • Fork
  • Air-fryer 
  • Butter
  • Garlic Salt
  • Salt
  • Pepper

After carving your perfect jack-o-lantern, it's time to clean and dry those seeds.  I prefer to rinse the seeds in a colander where I can separate the pulp from the seeds easily and quickly under running water.  I've heard that you can actually boil the seeds for 8-10 minutes to quickly separate them from the pulp but have never tried this method.

Tip: Our pups love that leftover raw pumpkin (just not the pulp or raw seeds) mixed in with their dinner for a healthy treat!

Air dry your seeds on a towel for 30-45 minutes or until they are mostly dry or damp to the touch.  Then pour the seeds from the towel into a bowl and mix them with melted butter, salt, pepper and garlic powder. (Note, you can add any of your own spice blends, this is just our household basic to start with). Stir together well with a fork and spread them evenly on your air fryer basket or tray. We have 3 trays in our air fryer so I just use 2 to give my seeds space to air roast.

Start your air-fryer set to 370F and bake for 10 minutes. Check to make sure they are crisp and add 4-5 minutes for additional crisp. Take out, cool and snack away!

Tip: Let them cool completely. I've tried them hot, warm and cooled - and I think the flavor is so much richer once they have cooled completely!

Have you made some deliciously seasoned pumpkin seed blends that you'd love to share?   

Like Macaroni-KID Wilmington-New Castle's Facebook Page and tell me about it!